Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — bob dylan

Rainy Day Woman

Apologies for the mini hiatus with blog posts the past few days! Life is gearing up in preparation for Craft2.0 – which means lots of dyeing, winding, labelling and other odd jobs.

Thanks to the wonderful amazing Sue, i’m now officially a half partner with Craft2.0! I’ve always loved the work Sue has done promoting the value of handmade, and now I have more excuses to hang out with her and talk crafty goodness.

Here is the awesome Craft2.0 image for the June fair…

Craft2.0 June 2010

If you’re in the area, you should come along and say hi! 
[ETA: I know the pic’s a bit cut off at the side, but i’m feeling to lazy to fix it. Soz.]

With all the rain we've had lately, I'm sure lots of people in NZ are feeling a bit sodden, least of all me. Last night, on the way back from Craft Up at Blondini's, my car's windscreen wipers decided on the motorway that it was the perfect time to stop working. Awesome. Luckily I had Elisabeth (aka the Sewphist) with me, and she is member of the AA. One half hour wait a tow truck later, we were home. 

Reading this blog post this morning, and running around avoiding puddles, put me in the mood for some Bob. Because he makes everything better. 

May 26, 2010   2 Comments