Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Cutest Stitch Marker Ever

The Yarn Clubbers all received a set of stitch markers in their first installment, thanks to the amazing Sue of Supervery.

They are, quite simply, awesomesauce.

I’m pretty damn excited that we’ll be the exclusive online sellers of The Best Stitch Markers Ever. Keep an eye on the online shop this week and they’ll be up shortly.

Hooray! (that’s the Owls in the background – slowly quickly getting there..


1 Jessicah Win { 07.13.10 at 8:50 pm }

Ooh they are just adorable. I like the cows too- a change from the usual sheep related knitting products!

2 Rainbow Child { 07.14.10 at 12:07 am }

LOVE them!! they are ADORABLE!

3 Tash { 07.15.10 at 7:26 pm }

Aren't they fabulous? they light up my knitting life 😀

4 Jemma { 07.18.10 at 2:44 am }

I've looked every day so far this week and still haven't seen them. They would be perfect to add to my "leaving the country for work and need to take crafting supplies" stash!

5 Tash { 07.19.10 at 5:08 am }

They're up now! Go get em tiger!

6 Frangipani { 07.24.10 at 3:46 am }

I've just started doing circular knitting and these are one knitting accessory I don't have. I had to buy some really ugly and awkward plastic ring ones. I'm off now to check these ones out. Thanks

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