Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Mountains, etc

I’m continuing with the lazy blog theme – photos from last weekend up the mountain. Sadly my altitude sickness prevented me from really enjoying the snow (gah!), but plenty of knitting took place.

Waking up on Saturday morning to news of the big earthquake in Christchurch made it hard to relax – luckily everyone I know down there is safe and unhurt. The continuing aftershocks have all on edge and my thoughts constantly turn to those who live in the middle of the disaster. I’m trying to come up with a productive way to support those who need assistance, so watch this space for info.

Being in Wellington, the traditional centre of earthquake fear, all we had were a few small jolts to indicate anything was amiss, which means there isn’t any interruption to Knitsch Yarns.

Right, here are the pics…

It snowed! Right down to National Park where we stayed. Pretty magical…


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