Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — craft vs art

Magazine love

A self-confessed magazine addict, I want to share a couple beauties with you. Firstly, fishhead magazine. Once you get past the name, it is a new Wellington-centric mag that was launched earlier this year. Still on the way to finding it’s niche, it’s definitely one to watch, especially seeing as they love craft so.

The beautiful Diane Massey-Molloy being a stunning cover girl…

A rather thoughtful and well-written article about a bunch of indie crafters and designers (incl yours truly). See that table bottom left? That’s us having a ball at the Apartment Bar, Allen St, Wellington onTuesday nights from 5.30. You should totes join us!

I also had the pleasure of flicking through the new Extra Curricular mag yesterday – based in Auckland, Ellie is getting better and better at putting this together every issue. Absolutely worth your spare change, it would be a real shame to see this go the way of Staple and World Sweet World. So go on, buy it!

November 27, 2010   No Comments

Unconventional Knitting no.2

The lovely Sue of Supervery sent me this link today, after the knitted knickers post.

Awesome. I love sculpture, the way it can be textural and strong and soft all at once. Much like knitting, really.

When I finished secondary school I planned on being a fashion designer, so started a Bachelor of Design at Massey. While writing and analysis clearly emerged as a stronger skill than drawing, I learnt heaps and met some amazing people.

I didn’t meet Ming Wei Li, but he was in the same year and I remember going to the 2005 graduate fashion show to support friends and being blown away by the dimension of his knitted work.

And here is a man who could make the hard appear soft. Canova is my Favourite (with a capital F) sculptor.
Somehow he manages to capture a gaze, a hand on flesh, a movement, in stone.

And then there’s those that cover hard things with knitted things, like the ever fabulous Jacqueline Greenbank…

(h/t to the The Physics Room)
Knit graffiti got me very curious about the concept of art vs craft, and I love that more crafters and artists are challenging this incredibly old argument. Once upon a time artists were paid for their works according to the cost of the materials, not for the artistic merit. Craft is still judged on the terms of material costs, but with people like Greenbank making acknowledged art from traditionally defined ‘craft’ processes is hopefully going some way towards changing that perception.
Art interlude over (for now, at least…)

July 10, 2010   No Comments