Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — monkey

Monkey Business

I’ve blogged before about the continuing obsession with Cookie A’s Monkey socks. So of course, here is, yet another, Monkey. 

Mystery Machine is right up there in my favourite Knitsch colours, and as this Monkey grew, the more I loved it. The purple seems to peek in to see what’s going on, and then retreat again in the heel. 

I’ve seen photos of a pretty fantastic Jay Walker in Mystery Machine, too – and it looks different again. Seeing the yarn knitted up is so exciting – so please add TashB (that’s me!) as a friend on Ravelry so I can see, or better yet, join the Knitsch Yarns group and share with everyone 😀

April 10, 2010   No Comments

Your new favourite socks

Loads of people asked us at Craft2.0 on Saturday ‘Where can I find a good sock pattern?’.

Well, here is the link to your new favourite socks: Cookie A’s Monkey.

I’ve knitted two pairs: one in Hazelknits High ocTANG (I gave these away) and a second pair, all for me, in green Wollemeise.

It really is a wonderful pattern – in fact, I think it’s time to cast on another pair. Even if you haven’t knitted a pair of socks before, these have a wonderful rhythm and a great base pattern. 64 is the magic sock number – it’s perfectly versatile.

Do you have a favourite sock pattern? What is it? Please share or else i’ll end up with a drawer full of monkeys!

March 11, 2010   1 Comment