Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — Granny G

Crafternoon Tea with Granny G – the Knitsch episode

After many attempts to both be free on one evening, Genny and I finally managed to have a bit of a chin-wag about all things knit graffiti, hand dyed and fibre arty.

I was determined that I would not listen to it, as I was certain i’d said the same thing over and over again.

Seeing as I had a lazy Sunday afternoon ahead of me, armed with laptop, knitting and a dash of apprehension, listened to my interview. It wasn’t so bad as expected, and the interview itself was more like a chat with a new friend about shared passions.

Crafternoon Tea with Granny G can be downloaded (for free!) through iTunes or through her website. It really is worth tuning in each week, each interviewee is so fascinating and Genny is rather inspiring herself. There is something rather mesmerising about Genny’s voice, so it’s not hard to get lost in her podcast and suddenly realise several hours have disappeared.

 So grab a cuppa, your knitting and a quiet corner, and enjoy.

April 12, 2010   No Comments

Crafternoon Tea with Granny G

In continuing the Week of Grandma theme – the wonderful Granny G interviewed Margaret Stove at the end of last year. Having only just listened myself a couple of weeks ago, it certainly is inspiring – sometimes it’s easy to forget we’re related and just marvel at what talent she has.

So sit back, relax with a cup of tea and a hot cross bun, and be inspired.

March 31, 2010   No Comments