Category — Haruni
Pretty Knitty!
oooh, has everyone check out the new Knitty yet?
I think Winnow needs to get on my needles (after i’ve finished Haruni, Owls, and the Yarn Club pattern)
The yarn specified for Winnow is rathermightyexactlythesame as Knitsch, so it’s a perfect match 😀
Actually, i’m curious – what’s on your needles right now?
July 12, 2010 4 Comments
WIP update – Haruni
I’m on Chart B.
There may be some expletives in there.
May 3, 2010 4 Comments
WIP – Haruni
I have to admit – shawls, in the past, haven’t been my strong point. Sometimes it really is that hard to count to 5. Or 8. Or whatever.
But I am determined. Shawls are that much more interesting than scarves, and yet I can wear it like a scarf. To be honest, i’m not a big fan of drape-it-round-your-shoulders-like-in-the-1800s way of wearing them. Although that could always change – i’m not one to stand completely fast in my fashion opinions.
So, it is with baited breath I knit Haruni. Normally I am a product knitter – I knit stuff because I want it, and I want it yesterday. The thing that attracted me to Haruni, though, was the large leaf edging. Hmmm, that looks like a tasty challenge, I thought.
I haven’t reached that part of the chart yet. I’ll update you once I do!
April 29, 2010 2 Comments