Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — Wellington

Markets, book launches, other awesomely fun things


Knitsch is going to be making appearances at a few places in the next two weeks:

Saturday, 17 July, 10am – 4pm
Wonders of Wool
Frank Kitts Underground Carpark (underground = dry. yay!)
I’ll be there along with lots of other lovely yarny types, with Knitsch yarns – lots of limited editions, the new 12 ply, and stitch markers from the wonderful Supervery.

Sunday 18 July, 2.30 – 4.30 pm
Blendy Knits Socks book launch
Alleluyah Cafe, St Kevin’s Arcade, Auckland
Belinda is behind the Blendy Yarn Sampler, among other things. Her latest adventure is a book! Of socks! And she uses Knitsch! Hooray! If you’re in Auckland, go say hello. Belinda will have a pile Knitsch, a pile of books, and a pile of other indie hand-dyed yarns just perfect for chilly winter days.

(image thanks to Belinda)

Saturday 24 July, 11am – 3pm

Auckland Art & Craft Fair

Auckland Art Gallery
Again, Belinda will be selling Knitsch Yarns – this time in packs with her books, alongside other indie yarn dyers.

So there are plenty of opportunities on these cold winter days to fondle yarn, say hello and go home with something snuggly. 

xx Tash

July 9, 2010   No Comments

I heart Wellington

I do, really.

I love how these Para Matchitt poles stand against the sky on the City to Sea bridge. Inspiration for a colour, perhaps?

April 19, 2010   1 Comment

Cosy CraftUp

Once upon a time, I lived in Wellington. I loved it – loved walking the streets, popping in to Midnight Espresso or Deluxe to loiter over a coffee and read, mooching around looking at beautiful things and spying great graffiti. I’m now resident in another great place, the one and only Petone, but I do so miss being close to central Wellington.

Last night I had the great pleasure of joining some crafty types for a CraftUp at Blondini’s, upstairs at the Embassy. Driving in, the city showed me all the reasons why I love it – moody winter clouds, grey buildings and shining yellow lights. I adore being so close to the hills and the sea, and being able to walk from one end to the other.

(That’s a sock in Cinque Terre on the table…almost done!)

It was a perfect evening for red wine, brownies, crafting and talking about crafty business and general gossip. The craft community really are so open and welcoming, and I always go away from catch ups with a big smile on my face. Last night in particular, a few plots were planned…so there is plenty to go on with in the background!

April 6, 2010   No Comments

Those who have received an order from Knitsch may have noticed an extra treat in their parcel – a set of 5 cards and envelopes.

We’re popping these in with orders at the moment as our way of saying thanks! They are from a former crafty life of mine, and what better way to use them up than to send them off to you?

Credit where credit’s due: Tiki, by Tim Strickland, and The Harbour is an ironboard, by yours truly.

March 23, 2010   No Comments