Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — knitting

A week of yellow

There seems to be a bit of a yellow obssession going on at the moment. It has long been my number one colour – so bright and happy and joyful. I can’t wear it, so instead acquire yellow things, and lately, it has reached epidemic proportions.

So here begins a week of yellow…

First up: Sin Miedo in Gold Rush. Took a bit of concentration at first, but now is like a lovely dance of merry cables. I think the symbols on the chart look like little men, and it makes me smile 😀

And look what is new in the shop! Owls! Stitch marker owls! How freaking cool! Thanks again to Sue from SuperVery, hooray!

November 22, 2010   No Comments


Hooray! An FO! I’m so pleased with my Owls – such a fast knit, and hardly any thinking at all 😀
I quite like the owls sans buttons. I think if I were to knit it again, for me, I’d go down a needle size and up a fitting size, just to give it a slightly denser look.

All the same, for only the second top i’ve knitted, it’s a winner.

Speaking of winners, keep the nominations of Canterbury knitters and spinners heading this way. Where the week has gone I don’t know, but tomorrow is apparently thursday, and the last day for entries.

xx tash

September 15, 2010   No Comments

The warm comforts…

After watching the news, I thought how very very lucky it is to be able to sit on the couch, watch crappy Friday night tv, by the fire, with a glass of wine, and knit.

All the warm knitted love going out to not only Christchurch, but Pakistan and San Francisco. All three things truly break my heart, and makes me feel so powerless in the face of nature’s force.

It seems a bit frivolous to share pics of a recent FO and a current WIP…but we all need something to cheer us up, right?

Below, Alice’s Doddle pattern from the last installment of the yarn club, in new colourway Popeye (a luscious seaweedy green that normally I wouldn’t go for, but have fallen in love with)

And above, ‘Just another’ Ishbel (my first, admittedly) in Hazel Knits Jay Blue. Divine yarn, that is…

Keep those nominations coming in for Cheer up Chch – I’ve had several worthy nominations come through already, and am lining up some other awesome crafters to take part. Flick me an email with name and address of a knitter in Canterbury who may need a bit of letter box love and i’ll add them to the list.

September 10, 2010   2 Comments

Catch Up

Whoops…time has got the better of me.

Here’s a very fast run down of what i’ve been up to the last couple of weeks:

  • Knit graffiti for the New Dowse

  • having a nosey around design spun in Napier

  • Relaxing at Port’o Call in Napier (in between having an amazingly inspiring time at Knit August Nights)

  • And dyeing some fabbo new colourways! Hooray! They will be in the online shop a bit later today 😀

  • oooh and mustn’t forget – Knit Pro needles! I have an office full of them, and they’ll be available for purchase once the new shop goes live (any day now, fingers crossed!)

August 31, 2010   No Comments

Gratuitous gorgeous baby post

Over at Never not Knitting, there are some super duper adorable baby pics that nearly made me pee my pants.

Cute overload.

Go have a look!

July 23, 2010   No Comments