Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — owls

A week of yellow

There seems to be a bit of a yellow obssession going on at the moment. It has long been my number one colour – so bright and happy and joyful. I can’t wear it, so instead acquire yellow things, and lately, it has reached epidemic proportions.

So here begins a week of yellow…

First up: Sin Miedo in Gold Rush. Took a bit of concentration at first, but now is like a lovely dance of merry cables. I think the symbols on the chart look like little men, and it makes me smile 😀

And look what is new in the shop! Owls! Stitch marker owls! How freaking cool! Thanks again to Sue from SuperVery, hooray!

November 22, 2010   No Comments


Hooray! An FO! I’m so pleased with my Owls – such a fast knit, and hardly any thinking at all 😀
I quite like the owls sans buttons. I think if I were to knit it again, for me, I’d go down a needle size and up a fitting size, just to give it a slightly denser look.

All the same, for only the second top i’ve knitted, it’s a winner.

Speaking of winners, keep the nominations of Canterbury knitters and spinners heading this way. Where the week has gone I don’t know, but tomorrow is apparently thursday, and the last day for entries.

xx tash

September 15, 2010   No Comments

Cutest Stitch Marker Ever

The Yarn Clubbers all received a set of stitch markers in their first installment, thanks to the amazing Sue of Supervery.

They are, quite simply, awesomesauce.

I’m pretty damn excited that we’ll be the exclusive online sellers of The Best Stitch Markers Ever. Keep an eye on the online shop this week and they’ll be up shortly.

Hooray! (that’s the Owls in the background – slowly quickly getting there..

July 13, 2010   6 Comments

Pretty Knitty!

oooh, has everyone check out the new Knitty yet?

I think Winnow needs to get on my needles (after i’ve finished Haruni, Owls, and the Yarn Club pattern)

The yarn specified for Winnow is rathermightyexactlythesame as Knitsch, so it’s a perfect match 😀

Actually, i’m curious – what’s on your needles right now?

July 12, 2010   4 Comments