Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — kowhai

A holiday of colour

The past long weekend was spent up at National Park, under the shadow of Mt Ruapehu. I love it up there – the cold air, the warm fires, lots of knitting time…and, of course, masses of inspiration for new colours…

I hope you had a great and relaxing long weekend.


April 27, 2011   No Comments

Autumnal Yellows

I’ve done quite a bit of knitting with Kowhai lately. It’s so lovely and warm – nothing like a bit of golden yellow to warm that slight chill in the air.

This morning I noticed that the backyard was covered in leaves…so the camera came out…

I hope that where ever you are at the moment, you are enjoying some sunshine!
PS – on the subject of trees, the patterns for it’s a tree are up. I’m knitting a leafy storm!

April 20, 2010   No Comments