Category — lovely people
The warm comforts…
After watching the news, I thought how very very lucky it is to be able to sit on the couch, watch crappy Friday night tv, by the fire, with a glass of wine, and knit.
All the warm knitted love going out to not only Christchurch, but Pakistan and San Francisco. All three things truly break my heart, and makes me feel so powerless in the face of nature’s force.
It seems a bit frivolous to share pics of a recent FO and a current WIP…but we all need something to cheer us up, right?
Below, Alice’s Doddle pattern from the last installment of the yarn club, in new colourway Popeye (a luscious seaweedy green that normally I wouldn’t go for, but have fallen in love with)
And above, ‘Just another’ Ishbel (my first, admittedly) in Hazel Knits Jay Blue. Divine yarn, that is…
Keep those nominations coming in for Cheer up Chch – I’ve had several worthy nominations come through already, and am lining up some other awesome crafters to take part. Flick me an email with name and address of a knitter in Canterbury who may need a bit of letter box love and i’ll add them to the list.
September 10, 2010 2 Comments
Talking, knitting, and stuff
boy it doesn’t take long for the old blog to be neglected. The past few weeks have seen all sorts of things going on – projects completed, projects started, and a whole lot of talking.
One of the awesome things about being involved in knitting in Wellington means the opportunity to meet so many fantastic people. I’m a bit sad that Kreachr is off to the big smoke. Even though i’ve only met her a few times, I love her unending enthusiasm, and Auckland should count itself pretty damn lucky.
The Blendy book launch went wonderfully despite the huge slip preventing some from making it out to the Hutt from Wellington. In fact it went so Belinda and I hardly had the chance to have a good gossip – which just gives yet another reason to head up that way for a visit.
And yours truly managed to squeeze five minutes of time into a pretty packed schedule to talk knit graffiti at Ignite Wellington. A great knit of some pretty inspiring talks – and a pretty cool coincidence that Nathalie was speaking – we were in the same class back when we were little wee 12 year olds.
I’m not brave enough to watch it myself! 😀
This weekend i’m off to the land of my youth – New Plymouth – for a workshop at the Govett-Brewster. The plan is to cruise up visiting op shops and meet lots of lovely knitters. So if you’re in the ‘naki, pop by and say hi on Sunday!
August 13, 2010 4 Comments
Knowing me, knowing you…
Taking a brief moment away from knitting, i’m catching up on reading some of the 200-odd blog posts sitting in my Reader that have been building up.
Once upon a time, when I was new to blog land, I spent hours reading blogs, going far back into histories to understand who each blogger ticked. I would eagerly anticipate new posts, commenting left right and centre. It was how I got to know Nikki, Louise and Martha, among lots of others.
These days I lament not having the time of attention span to ‘get to know’ all the bloggers I follow – mainly I focus on beautiful images, colours and short snippets of words.
Which started me thinking – I would like to get to know you better. What are your blog-reading habits? Can you admit to being a blog stalker? What are your favourite colours, yarn bases, patterns? Where are you from?
Shall I start?
Blog habits – i’m a skimmer right now. But I used to be an investigator – looking deep!
Blog stalker – yep!
Fave colour – yellow in life, green or orange in yarn (not together)
Fave yarn base – merino! Merino and silk, merino and cashmere, anything just a bit luxurious
Fave pattern – Cookie A’s Monkeys, and anything in my Ravelry queue!
Where from – Wellington, NZ. But I was born in New Plymouth, NZ, have lived in Melbourne, Australia, Methven, Canterbury NZ, and London.
Off you go! Share!
June 24, 2010 7 Comments
Sharing is caring & Yarn Club sale dates
Quick yarn club update!
First shipment: 1 July
No postage (for if you see me regularly) $90
NZ $100
AUS $110 (this includes GST, so will be a bit less than this in real terms)
ROW $120 (this includes GST, so will be a bit less than this in real terms)
May 28, 2010 2 Comments
Inspiration and beautiful things
As soon as I saw this, I had to run over here and share it with you. How beautiful is this nest?
May 27, 2010 Comments Off on Inspiration and beautiful things