Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — wool

A holiday of colour

The past long weekend was spent up at National Park, under the shadow of Mt Ruapehu. I love it up there – the cold air, the warm fires, lots of knitting time…and, of course, masses of inspiration for new colours…

I hope you had a great and relaxing long weekend.


April 27, 2011   No Comments

Breathing, and carrying on

It has been a bit of mayhem around here lately.

I work primarily from my parents’ house, and they are on the verge of relocating to Brisbane. In fact, Dad is already there, while Mum wrangles tradespeople and relocations. It’s a bit of a disaster zone (honestly, not even mum can deny it). 
This past week I wanted to get a pile of dyeing done in preparation for the next Craft2.0, but it didn’t happen. The painters were painting in an area I use quite frequently. It was hard to concentrate on doing anything solid and worthwhile when being constantly interrupted by the need to move something or someone. Focus was non-existent, but the situation was unavoidable as, really, family always comes first.
There were plenty of interesting developments during the week, though. And a couple exciting enough things that are now hiding under my hat that will hopefully be announced in the next week or so. 
The Knitsch operations are moving to (hopefully) a steady workshop/studio; It’s a Tree! has been installed and continues to grow, Slip now adorns the New Dowse reception desk (photos to come). New colourways are waiting in the wings, trips being planned, lists being written.
I ended the week feeling as if nothing had been achieved, when really it had. It can be hard running a small business, when external feedback is a little lacking, and life seems to run in a bit of a vacuum. Which is where you come in – the little treats in the mail for it’s a tree, the comments on the blog, the tweets, or the emails that make me smile for a whole day when going might be a bit slow. Thanks to you all – It’s more than enough reason to keep on keeping on 😀

May 15, 2010   No Comments

Labels etcetera

Cinque Terre, Izzy, Cherry Ripe and Hanny Pants waiting to be labelled
There are some things I put off doing all the time. One of those things is labelling skeins. The downfall of this is that I end up having piles to do and it takes frigging ages.
Thank goodness for podcasts!

April 22, 2010   No Comments

Autumnal Yellows

I’ve done quite a bit of knitting with Kowhai lately. It’s so lovely and warm – nothing like a bit of golden yellow to warm that slight chill in the air.

This morning I noticed that the backyard was covered in leaves…so the camera came out…

I hope that where ever you are at the moment, you are enjoying some sunshine!
PS – on the subject of trees, the patterns for it’s a tree are up. I’m knitting a leafy storm!

April 20, 2010   No Comments

Cinque Terre – the place behind the name

Seeing as i’m currently knitting with Cinque Terre, the colour, how about a few photos of the place that inspired the name?

See those houses? They were a vision of colour – warm oranges, yellows, pastel greens and blues, all perched on the side of massive hills.

April 8, 2010   3 Comments