Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — yellow

A holiday of colour

The past long weekend was spent up at National Park, under the shadow of Mt Ruapehu. I love it up there – the cold air, the warm fires, lots of knitting time…and, of course, masses of inspiration for new colours…

I hope you had a great and relaxing long weekend.


April 27, 2011   No Comments

Geometric Yellow

Saben really have got me hooked this year. And seeing as the free cash is slightly lacking, I’m quite enjoying taking real care with choosing purchases. Items that are designed and/or made in New Zealand are taking top priority, as generally I find they last well, are of high quality materials and made with real care and thought.

So when this turned up at Wanda Harland last week, it had to be mine.

Large Scarlet clutch in geometric yellow by Saben, from Wanda Harland

November 25, 2010   No Comments

Hello Yellow!

Day 2 of yellow…

and we have a lovely wee tea set. I don’t think it will get much use – when I bought it, the best place to put it seemed to be in the office, and here it now lives.

Along with print from Minu.

November 24, 2010   2 Comments

A week of yellow

There seems to be a bit of a yellow obssession going on at the moment. It has long been my number one colour – so bright and happy and joyful. I can’t wear it, so instead acquire yellow things, and lately, it has reached epidemic proportions.

So here begins a week of yellow…

First up: Sin Miedo in Gold Rush. Took a bit of concentration at first, but now is like a lovely dance of merry cables. I think the symbols on the chart look like little men, and it makes me smile 😀

And look what is new in the shop! Owls! Stitch marker owls! How freaking cool! Thanks again to Sue from SuperVery, hooray!

November 22, 2010   No Comments

Autumnal Yellows

I’ve done quite a bit of knitting with Kowhai lately. It’s so lovely and warm – nothing like a bit of golden yellow to warm that slight chill in the air.

This morning I noticed that the backyard was covered in leaves…so the camera came out…

I hope that where ever you are at the moment, you are enjoying some sunshine!
PS – on the subject of trees, the patterns for it’s a tree are up. I’m knitting a leafy storm!

April 20, 2010   No Comments