Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — craft2.0

Workshops! Hooray!

Craft2.0 is hosting some splendiferous workshops.

However, best place to find out about it is over at the Craft2.0 blog.

Yours truly is hosting a series of ‘How to Knit Socks’ workshops, complete with stash bag, yarn, needles, pattern, and all the fun things you need.

However Yours Truly is also running late, so pop over to Craft2.0 to check out the details.


July 5, 2010   No Comments

Craft2.0 for the win

What an amazing day.


For those who came along and said hello – it was fantastic to meet you! I only wish there had been more time to have proper conversations with people.

yours truly doing the selling thing. Thanks to Brock for the pic and Mum for the beret knit in our 12 ply
Now for getting on with wholesale orders, pattern designs and the yarn club!

June 14, 2010   1 Comment

Tiramisu time!

Amongst all the craziness that is Craft2.0 preparations…somehow I got tied up in a tiramisu competition.

It was all a bit of friendly banter, until the infamous Catherine, of Jam-off fame, picked up on it.

Now, suddenly, we have a time, a place, judges, an MC, a sponsor, and a prize.

How do these things always end up bigger than intended?

So at Craft2.0, today, at 2pm, the New Dowse, Lower Hutt, you will find:
Judges Hon Trevor Mallard, MP for Hutt South, and Megan Whelan, Radio New Zealand journalist
MC The amazing wonderful Jo of the Wellingtonista and SoContent

All sponsored by the fabulous Wendy of Cultured Petone (they make the best tiramisu. Ever. Which is how this all started)

So if you’re out this way for some yarn, grab a taste of tiramisu, too. Brought to you by all the goodness of the hutt (and none of it paid for by Ministerial credit card!)

June 11, 2010   No Comments

Knitsch Yarns at Knit World!

Whew…what a crazy week!
Which meant i’d completely forgot to announce – Knitsch Yarns is being stocked at Knit World!
Artisan Lace has been found in Knit World stores for quite some time, and so it was a natural progression to provide them with a selection of Knitsch Yarns colourways. It did take a bit of arm twisting (mine), but i’m pleased we’ve gone with it.
It means that anyone who has yet to fondle the gorgeous merino can, and there will be some shining brightness amongst the sock range available in stores.
With wholesale inevitably comes a good hard look at costs and pricing. Another hard decision was to nudge up our prices for both the online store and bricks and mortar shops so that we can continue to provide a high quality product. Knitsch Yarns really is a labour of love (I don’t get paid!!) but it’s all for our wonderful, inspirational customers – well, friends, really. You!
So from Monday 14 June our online shop prices for sock yarn will be edging up to $12.95 for a 50g skein. Prices at markets and fairs will remain $12 a pop, and we will still have special offers and discounts for those on our mailing list. OH, and the Flights of Fancy Yarn Club prices will stay the same – which means even more value for money!
Like I said, we really wouldn’t be here without you wonderful people! Thanks so much for all your continued support, lovely emails and photos of WIPs and FOs.
Now head on over to the online shop to place an order before the price rise! Or, if you’re local, come along to Craft2.0 tomorrow!
xx Tash

June 10, 2010   3 Comments

Rainy Day Woman

Apologies for the mini hiatus with blog posts the past few days! Life is gearing up in preparation for Craft2.0 – which means lots of dyeing, winding, labelling and other odd jobs.

Thanks to the wonderful amazing Sue, i’m now officially a half partner with Craft2.0! I’ve always loved the work Sue has done promoting the value of handmade, and now I have more excuses to hang out with her and talk crafty goodness.

Here is the awesome Craft2.0 image for the June fair…

Craft2.0 June 2010

If you’re in the area, you should come along and say hi! 
[ETA: I know the pic’s a bit cut off at the side, but i’m feeling to lazy to fix it. Soz.]

With all the rain we've had lately, I'm sure lots of people in NZ are feeling a bit sodden, least of all me. Last night, on the way back from Craft Up at Blondini's, my car's windscreen wipers decided on the motorway that it was the perfect time to stop working. Awesome. Luckily I had Elisabeth (aka the Sewphist) with me, and she is member of the AA. One half hour wait a tow truck later, we were home. 

Reading this blog post this morning, and running around avoiding puddles, put me in the mood for some Bob. Because he makes everything better. 

May 26, 2010   2 Comments