Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — hand-dyed

A holiday of colour

The past long weekend was spent up at National Park, under the shadow of Mt Ruapehu. I love it up there – the cold air, the warm fires, lots of knitting time…and, of course, masses of inspiration for new colours…

I hope you had a great and relaxing long weekend.


April 27, 2011   No Comments

Manic, manic week.

So i’m cheating.

Hop over and visit bliss in a teacup – pretty, pretty.

I have ummmm 3 things stuffed up my sleeve that I can’t tell you about (and no, it ain’t used tissues!). But anticipation will have to continue a little longer.

Oh, hey, maybe, i’ll just give you one thing (not of the three), that i’ve already hinted at – we’re doing 12 ply! You won’t be able to get it until Craft2.0, but it’s scrummy and knits fast and I loves it.

Have a great weekend xx

May 21, 2010   1 Comment