Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — Diagon Alley mitts

Flying to Diagon Alley

Another Yarn Club – oriented post – but oh, how much I love this yarn club. If perhaps I was feeling a little jaded from market preparations and wholesale orders over the past couple of months, this yarn club has got me way inspired.

Like, crazy inspired. Is it too much to say that I *love* all the people in the yarn club? The emails, the Rav board discussions, the feedback – just makes me all warm and fuzzy. And in return I just want to go even further, wow their socks off, give them my yarny heart and soul.

And how lucky is it that Alice is designing our patterns? (with a little help from yours truly this month)

As pretty much everyone, as far as I can tell, has now got their parcels of goodness, I just had to share pics of my first Diagon Alley mitt in Peacock in the Parlour (a yarn club exclusive).

Notice how the knitting is on the bias? *swoon* Once the second mitt is done, there’s some Mystery Machine destined for the same fate. The pattern is designed with variegates in mind, so a bit of green and purple should be just the ticket.

July 16, 2010   2 Comments