Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — New Year

Resolutions for the New Year

  • This will be the only blog post with a title.
  • Knitsch Yarns will be big, bright, and boisterous all year long 😀
  • No coffee shall be consumed (uh oh).
  • More time shall be allocated for fun knitting (as opposed to work knitting).
Happy New Year everyone! I’ve decided to put the Knitsch Yarns blog over here on blogger so that comments may be shared – it all gets a bit boring if one can’t interact on a blog.
I saw in the New Year with a bunch of wonderful friends at Waitarere beach, while Sonja was enjoying it in the Napier sunshine. 2009 was an amazing year for me, and I was sad to say farewell. 2010 has plenty of reasons to be excited – our giant wool order arrives in a few weeks, we’re doing some special work on Margaret Stove’s lace weight, and there’s even a few travel plans in the mix. 
My hope for this blog is to share patterns, tasty things, beautiful things, and everyday things. Because that is what it’s all about, really.
xx Tash

January 2, 2010   No Comments