Scratching the Knitting Itch
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Category — winter

A holiday of colour

The past long weekend was spent up at National Park, under the shadow of Mt Ruapehu. I love it up there – the cold air, the warm fires, lots of knitting time…and, of course, masses of inspiration for new colours…

I hope you had a great and relaxing long weekend.


April 27, 2011   No Comments

Knitted Knickers…

Thanks to here for the vintage knickers

and thanks to here for the nordic knickers by NZ’s own Stolen Girlfriends Club
Holy frick it is cold! Get thee some knitted knickers, stat!
I’m actually really tempted to knit some. With a frilly bottom. I’ve been meaning to blog about these since I picked up the Winter Fashion Quarterly about 6 weeks ago. Ah, best of intentions. A bit odd, perhaps. 
Not sure about these ones from Knitty … although the model does look very happy to be wearing them
Oh my goodness, if you have Ravelry, go check these ruffled babies out!
Hrrmmm can’t seem to find the pattern I was really after…never mind. Have you knitted knickers? Would you be keen for a knit along? Anyone?
Keep cosy xx

July 8, 2010   1 Comment

Duvet days

With all the average weather in these parts lately, there has been much talk in the Kiwi interwebs of days spent in bed, with dvds, or knitting, or tea, or chocolate, or all of the above.

I’m yet to have the luxury of a duvet day this winter – 2 large wholesale orders, the upcoming craft2.0 and part time work means early starts and being chilled to the bone.

In background news, i’m also moving house, again, this friday. The boy and I are rather excited that our new bedroom is massive, and won’t resemble a tool shed as it currently does. So we’ve been looking at buying a great big new comfy bed – just the ticket for scheduling in a duvet day when all this work allows.

Which means, daydreaming:

(photos from over at the ever-beautiful Decor8 blog)
May have to block day in the diary for this quality, cosy, knitty duvet day….

May 31, 2010   2 Comments