Scratching the Knitting Itch
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The warm comforts…

After watching the news, I thought how very very lucky it is to be able to sit on the couch, watch crappy Friday night tv, by the fire, with a glass of wine, and knit.

All the warm knitted love going out to not only Christchurch, but Pakistan and San Francisco. All three things truly break my heart, and makes me feel so powerless in the face of nature’s force.

It seems a bit frivolous to share pics of a recent FO and a current WIP…but we all need something to cheer us up, right?

Below, Alice’s Doddle pattern from the last installment of the yarn club, in new colourway Popeye (a luscious seaweedy green that normally I wouldn’t go for, but have fallen in love with)

And above, ‘Just another’ Ishbel (my first, admittedly) in Hazel Knits Jay Blue. Divine yarn, that is…

Keep those nominations coming in for Cheer up Chch – I’ve had several worthy nominations come through already, and am lining up some other awesome crafters to take part. Flick me an email with name and address of a knitter in Canterbury who may need a bit of letter box love and i’ll add them to the list.


1 Nicky { 09.16.10 at 3:45 am }

Such a kind idea.
I don't know any knitters in Christchurch, But just had to leave a comment.
Thank you

2 Submit Form { 10.05.10 at 11:53 am }

It took me a while to search online, only your site explain the fully details, bookmarked and thanks again.

– Laura

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